Jingwei Zuo(左京伟)

I am an undergrad at Tsinghua University, set to graduate in 2025. My research focuses on efficient machine learning systems.

Currently, I am working as a remote visiting student at Professor Beidi Chen’s InfiniAI Lab at CMU, and closely collaborating with PhD student Zhuoming Chen.


My main research question is:

How to increase the efficiency of machine learning systems?

This question could be solved via a diversity of methods, ranging from pruning tokens, quantizing the parameters, to building more efficient serving systems.

Other explorations

When first entering the research field of artificial intelligence in 2023, I participated in the AgentVerse project (which is about multi-agents) , in collaboration with Weize Chen, Yusheng Su and other excellent guys at THUNLP. After that, I switched to the field of efficient models, under the mentorship of Guangxuan Xiao and Prof. Song Han at Han Lab. The project I did at Han Lab is already finished, and the paper will soon be put on ArXiv.


AgentVerse Illustration
AgentVerse: Facilitating Multi-Agent Collaboration and Exploring Emergent Behaviors
Weize Chen*, Yusheng Su*, Jingwei Zuo, Cheng Yang, Chenfei Yuan, Chi-Min Chan, Heyang Yu, Yaxi Lu, Yi-Hsin Hung, Chen Qian, Yujia Qin, Xin Cong, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Jie Zhou
ICLR 2024

Academic Experiences

Carnegie Mellon University
Remote visiting research assistant
InfiniAI Lab, advised by Prof. Beidi Chen
Tsinghua University
B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering
B.S. in Fundamental Sciences (Math & Physics)
Research intern at THUNLP, advised by Prof. Zhiyuan Liu
Northeastern University
Exchange student at College of Engineering

To Learn More About Me


I would love to witness a world where humans could obtain more convenience, harmony, and happiness. Undeniably, my current research interest is only one minute factor contributing to this grand (and probably quixote) ideal. But the thing is, I would not like my research to go against this prospect at any time and under any circumstance.

I advocate for the open source community.

Other Experiences

I went to Northeastern University for a one-semester exchange program in 2023 Fall and had a gorgeous time there. I love traveling around and have been to Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Singapore, Australia, the US and of course many places of interest in mainland China.

Fun Facts About Me

When I get nervous, I like to scratch my hair😬. So next time you see me doing that in a debate, you know you’ve got me there.


I love playing tennis🎾 because smashing the ball just feels great. I also like listening to all kinds of music🎶, ranging from Mandopop (e.g. Jay Chou) to classical music (e.g. Tchaikovski). Sometimes I sing👨‍🎤. I like to travel and explore new places:).


Feel free to reach out to me by email! If you are in Beijing now, probably we may even have an in-person coffee-chat! I am always glad to talk to someone else, because other’s talk often inspires me and my words may inspire others too:)